MEK’s Current Statement Concerning the October 7 Hamas Attack

My Current Statement Concerning the October 7 Hamas Attack 2023-11-21

I just want to point out that evidence now suggests that Israel’s military IDF in fact killed more than half the civilians (not to mention their own soldiers) on October 7-8.  Hamas announced their attack with 1000s of rockets that morning about an hour before they successfully attacked on the ground. Their mission was to disable nearby military posts and attack local kibbutz with intention of taking as many hostages as possible! Hamas mistakenly thought hostages would prevent the genocide now occurring and would again draw worldwide attention to the oppression of Palestinian people.

IDF responded under its Hannibal Directive to send over a dozen Apache helicopters that indiscriminately attacked all who were moving at the music festival and destroyed dozens of vehicles at the site. They further had soldiers engage in firefights at various Kibbutz and order tank fire on many homes Hamas was defending along with many hostages burning many homes to the ground. Every charred body of Hamas fighters and civilians was the result of numerous IDF tank or copter fire! IDF made little effort to protect civilians and even its own soldiers in the fight that day! 

Israel immediately blamed all the horrible, mutilated deaths on Hamas to smear them and Palestinians as cover for its intended genocide now recognized by the World Court! These deaths, beheaded babies, brutalized women are all Israel lies! To protect their lies, Israel never did any forensic investigation of the festivals and kibbutz after the fighting was over! Israel has never cooperated with the U.N. or any other outside organization in an independent investigation. Israel has controlled the crime scene and witnesses, but the truth is slowly being discovered.

Initially, IDF claimed 1000 Hamas fighters were killed (apparently, they were counting many civilians they had killed).  Then they promoted the story that 1400 civilians were killed.  Then they reported 1200 civilians as they had killed 200 Hamas (down from 1000).  However, Israel finally admitted that about 400 who were killed were IDF military, police, and settler security. Either Hamas is one of the greatest fighting militaries ever or they had help from the IDF in killing all these people.  Now we have about 800 civilians with which were 150 Arabs and foreign workers.  Now we have 650 Israelites and tourists, many of whom were of an age that they could have been military reservists.  Only one baby is listed as killed, less than 2 dozen children under 18, no beheadings or rapes have been documented.  250 Hamas hostages claimed are based on missing people, but IDF Apache helicopter firing mutilated many people that have only slowly been IDed.  

What I am trying to suggest is that the Hamas attack was a military mission meant to capture hostages.  They had no interest in mass killings of civilians. Hamas was trying to bring the neglected suffering of 2.3 million people living in a small outdoor prison (think Warsaw Ghetto) again to the world’s attention. Hamas calculated that holding hostages would temper Israel ‘s response.  However, the vicious brutality of Israel and the U.S and others knows no bounds (ask Native Americans and Blacks as to slavery & Jim Crow etc.)  

IDF claims 3500 people entered Israel from Gaza, apparently over 1000 were not associated with Hamas military command and they possibly may have been more brutal out of personal anger after 75 years of oppression and occupation.   But I believe IDF killed probably killed many of the civilians due to Apache helicopter firing on Rave festival and Tank operators ordered to fire on Kibbutz housing suspected of harboring Hamas regardless civilian hostage presence. Israel admits Hamas would not have known beforehand about the festival. Unknown to me is why a large festival was allowed near the Gaza border, why its Friday ending was extended over night into Saturday? Why the IDF pulled many of its soldiers from the area at the same time sending them to the West Bank to protect settlers invading a Palestinian occupied area?

IDF follows a Hannibal Directive. The reason Israel doesn’t want a ceasefire and has little concern of hostages is because it would interfere with their new Nakba and Genocide plans. The lying about the actual events, their foreknowledge (Mossad, U.S. Intelligence, Egypt warning) and involvement (funded Hamas through Qatar) has been ignored by the complicit corporate media and national governments like the U.S. There can be no excuses allowed to hinder the genocide of Gaza Palestinians (and the West Bank). 

Michael E. Kerr (updated as of January 25, 2024)


Categorized Directory: News and Articles about Israel- Palestine Conflict  /2023/10/23/categorized-directory-news-and-articles-about-israel-palestine-conflict/

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About mekorganic

I have been a Peace and Social Justice Advocate most all of my adult life. In 2020 (7.4%) and 2022 (21%), I ran for U.S. Congress in CA under the Green Party. This Blog and website are meant to be a progressive educational site, an alternative to corporate media and the two dominate political parties. Your comments and participation are most appreciated. (Click photo) .............................................. Created and managed by Michael E. Kerr
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